Monday, January 7, 2008

Putting Food By: Chicken Stock

I put 7 packages of chicken stock, 3 cups each, into the freezer today. I've been freezing my chicken necks and carcasses plus a LOT of vegetable trimmings I'd been throwing into the freezer every time I chopped anything. Yesterday I pulled it all out, made stock. Today I packaged all but a few cups up for the freezer. I'm making corn chowder for dinner tonight, so I'm using what was left after my freezer session in that.


1 - 3 chicken carcasses, picked over
chicken necks and hearts
vegetable trimmings: onion, carrot, celery, parsley, garlic, parsley, potatoes. (If you don't have any vegetable trimmings, you can use whole vegetables cut into 3-inch pieces.)
water to cover
1 T allspice berries
1 T peppercorns
2 bay leaves

In a large stockpot, place chicken carcasses and parts along with vegetables. Add water to cover by several inches and bring to a boil. Add spices, lower heat to simmer, and cook several hours, skimming if necessary.

Allow to cool, then refrigerate overnight. In the morning, skim off any fat that has risen to the surface. Package and freeze. I freeze in square tupperware, then pop out the frozen squares of stock and vacuum-seal them. Will keep 3 - 6 months, depending on how cold your freezer is.

I've got a turkey carcass in the freezer awaiting similar treatment, along with five pounds of beef bones I picked up last time I bought whole-beef hamburger out at Streits' that needs to be roasted and turned into stock.


  1. thanks for the recipe & info. i just found your blog and had to click because i'm an atlanta transplant from cincinnati. we moved here three years ago, and from the first day i've been lamenting the loss of my beloved findlay market. there's absolutely nothing like it here, and the red meat and poultry at the supermarkets is atrocious & expensive. i never knew how spoiled i was on those weekly saturday trips to the market.

    anyway, love your blog! =]

  2. Bummer on nothing like Findlay in Atlanta, amp! I'm so surprised -- I would have thought there were dozens of farmers' markets in ATL! I wonder if would have listings for local farmers you can buy from?

  3. Wow. You are a hardcore chef! I will need direct my husband to your blog. A few weeks ago I came home to him making stock from chicken legs and feet that he'd picked up at Tewe's Farm in Ft. Mitchell.

    While it was hard to stomach seeing the legs sticking out of the pot simmering all afternoon, the stock was absolutely delicious.

  4. mommy bits, I have to admit, seeing the legs sticking up from the stock would set me back, too! Oh, Tewes is supposed to have great poultry -- I keep meaning to get down there!

  5. I love it when my wife is making stock, it fills the house with that wonderful smell.

  6. I quit makeing stock the traditional way once I tried this recipe, I'ts from Cooks Illustrated, I love how they test and determine the BEST way to do something.


    Quick Chicken Stock by Cooks Illustrated

    Makes about 2 quarts Chicken pieces are sautéed and then sweated before being cooked in water for a rich but very quick stock. This is our favorite all-purpose stock. It takes about an hour to prepare.

    1. Heat the oil in a large stockpot or Dutch oven over medium-high heat. Add the onion; sauté until colored and softened slightly, 2 to 3 minutes. Transfer the onion to a large bowl.

    2. Add half of the chicken pieces to the pot; sauté both sides until lightly browned, 4 to 5 minutes. Transfer the cooked chicken to the bowl with the onions. Sauté the remaining chicken pieces. Return the onions and chicken
    pieces to the pot. Reduce the heat to low, cover, and cook until the chicken releases its juices, about 20 minutes.

    3. Increase the heat to high; add the boiling water, salt, and bay leaves. Return to a simmer, then cover and barely simmer until the stock is rich and flavorful, about 20 minutes.

    4. Strain the stock; discard the solids. Before using, defat the stock. The stock can be refrigerated in an airtight container for up to 2 days or frozen for several months.

    v 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
    v 1 medium onion, chopped medium
    v 4 pounds whole chicken legs or backs and wing tips, cut into 2-inch pieces
    v 2 quarts boiling water
    v 2 teaspoons salt
    v 2 bay leaves

  7. Vudutu, I'm going to have to try that method! Sounds like it might be a great-tasting stock!
