Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Imago Offers Table Talk Series

Imago, the Earth-issues organization in East Price Hill, is offering Table Talk: Saving the Earth One Meal at a Time, a series of educational events "designed to address the practical issues of finding and preparing food in healthful, budget sensitive and earth friendly ways."

Events include Commercial Farming vs. Natural Methods, a guided discussion by Nathan Back of Grass Fed Farms; What's Wrong With The Way We Eat, a talk by New York Times food writer Mark Bittman about our too-much-meat, too-few-plants, too-much-fast-food, and too-little-home-cooking lifestyles; a family-friendly Wild Edibles Hike and Dinner; Menu For The Future, a six-session course exploring the connection between food and sustainability; a showing of What Will We Eat: A Search For Healthy Local Foods, a 30-minute video investigating the growing failure of the industrial food system; and a Farm Field Trip to Grailville and Turner Farms.

Preregistration required; prices range from free to $20 depending on the event and whether you're already a member of Imago. For more information, visit the website or call Ansa at 513.921.5124.

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