Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wooden Shoe Gardens' CSA Kickoff Event Sunday March 29

Wooden Shoe Gardens is offering a food tasting featuring foods from the first offerings of this year's Community Supported Agriculture program (CSA).  If you're thinking of joining a CSA this year but want to know more, this is a great place to start.  Culinary Olympics medalist Marc Stroud will be doing the cooking. 

The event is at the New Thought Unity Center, 1401 E McMillan St in East Walnut Hills at 1:30pm this coming Sunday and is free, but please RSVP to David so they'll know how many to plan for.

Wooden Shoe's CSA has a slight twist -- the sharers will help decide what they'll offer this year.  David says, "This CSA program will begin by offering microgreens and possibly other organically grown salad ingredients.  Since this is a member-controlled endeavor, the participants will determine what we will do next.  Here’s a few of the ideas we are discussing:  organic sprouts; locally grown seasonal vegetables; greenhouse produced winter vegetables; a full line of shipped in organically grown fruits and vegetables; organic grains and other food staples.  The sky is the limit.  Please join us and help transform the food delivery system in the Greater Cincinnati Tri-State."

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