Thursday, December 3, 2009

No Impact Man Screenings

Two screenings of No Impact Man are scheduled next week on UC's campus.  The movie follows the one-year experiment by Colin Beavan (dragging his wife and toddler along for the ride) to try to live without impacting the environment -- eating locally and vegetarian, living without electricity, buying nothing but food, walking or bicycling everywhere, producing no garbage -- in Manhattan. 

University of Cincinnati
Monday, December 7
Swift Hall 500

Wednesday, December 9
MainStreet Cinema

Free; donations accepted to offset cost of screening. For information, contact Jeff Cobb at 937.287.7208 or by email.


  1. On this note, thought of you when I read this on Mark Bitten's blog today:

  2. Courtney, thanks for the interesting link about how the EPA's declaration that greenhouse gasses are hazardous to human health might play out over the next few decades!
