Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Basics of Herbalism Workshops

Local herbalist Abby Artemisia is offering a Basics of Herbalism series of workshops.  The first, Herbal Teas for Winter Wellness, is February 6th at Imago.

From the announcement:

In this class we'll talk about the different types of tea, i.e. black, green, white, herbal, etc.  We'll discuss herbal options for immunity boosting in this chilly season.  You'll learn how to create a tea that's not only healthy, but tasty, too!  There will be plenty of easily digestible (pardon the pun) information about the herbs and the various techniques for steeping tea.  And...you'll even get to create your very own tea blend to take home!
Saturday, February 6, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM, Imago Earth Center (700 Enright Avenue in Price Hill, Cincinnati)  $25, space limited to 20, reserve here.

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