Tuesday, February 26, 2008

ACSH on locavorism

The American Council on Science and Health has an article today about locavorism. Once again the criticisms show a lack of understanding of the concept:

While eating locally may appeal to some palates -- mainly those who appreciate fresh produce -- going locavore could mean sacrificing favorite foods and important nutrients in the name of the environment...Personally, I think it's a great idea to want to help the environment and local economy. However, I don't think I could ever be a full-fledged locavore. A healthy -- and happy -- eater consumes a variety of foods, and as much as I want to help conserve fuel, I can't fathom a winter of eating just squash.
I don't know where the writer lives, but I'm guessing she has more variety available to her in winter than she thinks.


Renee Beaulieu said...

This all-or-nothing mindset is so odd. Many of us in colder climates enjoyed reading "Animal Vegetable Miracle," but I suspect few of us will go to the extreme of 99% local- or home-grown all year. However, trying to get more of our milk, meat, eggs, cheese, honey, (and vegs) locally is certainly do-able. And a good local squash is a darn sight tastier than a flavorless winter tomato or strawberry.

Anonymous said...

I am somewhat in agreement with the writer but I do agree they have a lack of understanding of the concept.

I have been trying to eat more local for years and think I will this spring even more because of increased awareness of locavorism but I will always reach for the best I can buy first. I would rather not buy produce from South America and I try an be aware of where what I eat comes from. I know for instance that most all of the produce at the year round stalls at Findlay comes out of the same warehouse and is not from around here. In the spring, summer and fall I go to the local farmers shed first then the stalls to get what the farmers don't have.

I am, a selfish locavore, I understand and support locavorism from a health and environmental point, I am very much anti big farm biz, but I am a headonistic foodie, I want to eat good as well as local. The Moody Blues said it best, "it's a question of balance"

valereee said...

Renee, I agree. Sometimes I really want a strawberry and I find some that smell like strawberries at Pipkin's, and I go ahead and buy them. But for the most part, the offseason travelling strawberries in the stores are disappointing and I'd rather just pull some apple compote out of the freezer now and eat my strawberries in June. Or eat citrus now, if I want fresh fruit. It's not local, but at least it's in season.

Vudutu, there are a few vendors at Findlay that aren't in the farmsheds but do carry local produce. You won't find them there in the winter months, but they're there during the summer. I skip the year-round ones, generally.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know of a good source of information for what is grown where in what seasons? It seems like that is a necessary first step along with people substituting local products when convenient.