Welcome to the May edition of Looking Nearby for Food, the carnival of local eating.

LaLaine in California finds some beautiful basil and tomatoes at her local farmers' market and makes Angel Hair Pomodoro with Garlic Shrimp at thecookmobile.
Chef Erik in New Jersey is using up the last of his winter-season parsnips in Roasted Parsnip Fries posted at Chef Erik.
Nichole in Colorado Springs, CO rediscovers rhubarb with Almost good for you: Rhubarb and Apple Crisp at Bad Human! Don't take chemicals from strangers!

Brenda in Idaho gives us 5 Steps to a Terrific Vegetable Garden at Her Gardening Blog.
Andrea in Paris, France presents AeroGarden | Fresh Herbs posted at Kitchen Elixir, saying, "Using aeroponics is a great way to grow herbs in your kitchen ready to be used in cooking. There is nothing like having fresh herbs on hand to add flavour to a meal."
Jessica in Montana makes wine from a variety of back yard and garden plants in Homegrown Wine at Practical Nourishment.
Christine in France introduces us to the Open Air Market in Barcelona, Spain at Me, My Kid and Life: An American Single Mom Living in France.
Robert in San Juan Alicante, Spain recommends visitors to the area not miss the local chocolate in Chocolate for Chocoholics in Spain at alicante-spain.
Sheila in Texas tells how to find local produce on the road in Alabama in Good eats in Alabama posted at Perceptive Travel Blog.
Linda talks about finding local food while travelling in Eating Well On Your Budget Vacation posted at The Eclectic Female.
Tips for eating more locally and sustainably.
Sheila in Texas tells how to find local produce on the road in Alabama in Good eats in Alabama posted at Perceptive Travel Blog.
Linda talks about finding local food while travelling in Eating Well On Your Budget Vacation posted at The Eclectic Female.
Tips for eating more locally and sustainably.
Lane in Southern California talks about choosing sustainable foods as well as local foods in Vegan Eating Trumps Eating Locally at Vegan Bits.
Lisa in Massachusetts talks about her novice steps in eating more locally in The 100 Mile Diet | Greener Pastures: Personal Finance at Greener Pastures: Personal Finance.
Alison in Colorado discusses eating locally as a part of living locally in Living local: what does it really mean? at Green Me.
maybelles mom in Cleveland, Ohio talks about the Farmers' Cheese Crepes she made with wild garlic, ramps, and dandelion greens she found on a friend's wooded land in My Friend's Mountain at feeding maybelle.
Melanie in Cheshire, UK, is making Wild Blackberry Leaf Tea from foraged blackberry bramble leaves at Bean Sprouts.
Past posts can be found at: Looking Nearby for Food: A Carnival of Local Eating index page.
Submit your local eating blog article by June 12th to appear in the next edition* of Looking Nearby for Food: A Carnival of Local Eating using our carnival submission form. All submissions should cover some aspect of the topic of eating more locally -- truly seasonal recipes (please submit these as close as possible to the correct season for the main ingredients), your area's unique local ingredients, the current offerings at your local farmers' markets, small farmers and growers in your area, reviews of restaurants in your area that focus on sourcing locally, foraging, growing your own vegetables, canning and preserving the harvest, and many other types of posts are welcome! And if it's not obvious from your blog, make sure to let us know where you are located.
* we hope the next edition will appear as scheduled on June 15th. Cincinnati Locavore is going on walkabout from June 6 - 28, and while we're taking our laptop with us we aren't sure how often we'll have internet access or whether we'll be able to access our email. So if June 15th comes and goes with no blog carnival, be patient! It will appear as soon as possible.
Technorati tags: looking nearby for food, blog carnival.
Thanks for including my article. Nice website you have here, and nice carnival.
What a great idea for a carnival. Good job hosting it. Thanks for including my submission.
Hi, thanks for hosting the carnival. You've linked to some great articles. Looking forward to the next one.
As the other said -- excellent carnival! I can't wait to try the crepes with garlic rapes and farmers cheese -- those are two things we should definitely have at our Farmer's Market tomorrow morning! Yum.
Nice of you to let me be a part of your carnival. I'm hosting my first at the end of the month. You gave me a bunch of great ideas for my layout. Thanks so much :)
Val, great posts, Link overload! I just had a great time cruising these, my favorite find was this one from the TED conference, how depressing!
If you can't piece together that link you can find it on their front page
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